How Much Fart Is In The Air On Your Plane?

Have you ever sat back on a flight, reclined the chair and thought about how much fart is in the air? You've probably realized what cabin pressure does to your body. Now multiple that by the number of passengers on the flight.

Well the people at the UK Sun did the math for you and it's not pleasant.

The average person lets out between 0.5 and 1.5 litres of fart a day according to a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. An Airbus 380 seats 525. On a transcontinental flight taking about 10 hours, The Sun estimates that flight would have 284 litres of fart in the air - halved because of air filtering, down to 142 litres.

On shorter, economy flight using a smaller plane, you could still be looking at around 15 litres of farts if in the air for three hours.

Have you ever thought about this? Did we just ruin your next flight?

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