Watch Out for Wild Parsnip in SE Minnesota

Wild Parsnip

If you look on the side of the roads in SE Minnesota you will see a yellow towering plant growing.  It is called Wild Parsnip and it is to be avoided at all cost's.  

Wild Parsnip

It is worse than poison ivy and can harm animals as well as humans.  If you brush against the plant you could get an oil the plant extracts on your skin.  That oil will produce 2nd and 3rd degree burns on your skin once it is in the sunlight.  

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says: "Wild parsnip is most abundant in southeastern Minnesota.  Warning - Avoid skin contact with the toxic sap of the plant tissue by wearing gloves, long sleeves and long pants. The juice of wild parsnip in contact with skin in the presence of sunlight can cause a rash and blistering and discoloration of the skin (phytophotodermatitis)."

Here is how to identify Wild Parsnip. 

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