The Most Popular Halloween Candy in Minnesota

A little more than a month a way the little ones will be going door to door getting their favorite candies and judging the parents that give it out. Don't kid yourself.  Kids know when you hand out crappy candy. has compiled a list of the most popular Halloween Candy in every state.  

According to the most popular Halloween Candy in Minnesota is Tootsie Pops.  They claim over 202, 000 pounds of Tootsie Pops will be sold in Minnesota for Halloween.  Really? Over 202,000 pounds?  I call BS.  The second most popular candy at Halloween in Minnesota is Skittles followed by Candy Corn.

So how does Minnesota stack up to some of our Midwest neighbors?

Wisconsin's most popular Halloween candy is Butterfingers followed by Starburst and Hot Tamales.

Iowa's most popular Halloween candy is Candy Corn, M&M's and Reese's Cups.

If this research is true then I am moving to Iowa.  

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