Major League Baseball announced on twitter today that they are bringing the first MLB game to Iowa ever. Not only that but the game will be played at the Field of Dreams in Dyersville Iowa which is just 3 hours south of Rochester. The game will be August 13th with the NY Yankees taking on the Chicago Whitesox's. The Field of Dreams was made famous by the Kevin Kostner movie in 1989.
Did you know that there is a Rochester connection to Field of Dreams? In the movie, From Wikipedia: "When Ray and Annie both have an identical dream about Ray and Mann attending a baseball game together at Fenway Park, Ray seeks out Mann in Boston. He persuades a reluctant Mann to attend a game with him at Fenway Park. While there, Ray hears the voice urging him to, "go the distance." At the same time, the scoreboard "shows" statistics for a player named Archibald "Moonlight" Graham, who played one game for the New York Giants in 1922, but never had a turn at bat. After the game, Mann admits he heard the voice and also saw the name on the scoreboard.
Ray and Mann travel to Chisholm, Minnesota and learn that Graham died sixteen years earlier and was a doctor. During a late-night walk around Chisholm, Ray finds himself back in 1972. He encounters the now-alive and elderly Graham, who states he moved on from baseball for a satisfying medical career. He declines Ray's invitation to fulfill his dream; however, during the drive back home, Ray picks up a young hitchhiker who introduces himself as Archie Graham and says he wants to be a baseball player." Here is a clip from the movie.

Archibald "Moonlight" Graham is buried right here in Rochester MN. He lies at the Calvary Cemetery No one is sure why he is buried here but nonetheless it is cool.