Have you ever stopped to really think about where your credit card information and personal information goes when you purchase something online? Just truly how secure is your information?
A website called Family Tree Now has one of the largest collections of genealogy information and record and is 100% free to use. It's meant to help you find your family trees and your family history.
Obviously it's totally legit that people want to find their family's info and build their family trees, but there are supposed to be firewalls and securities in place to protect sensitive information when you log it. Especially when it comes to your family's name - like your kids! (Someone with ill intentions can easily get on this site and find a child by looking up an address, looking at photos, knowing their school district and things escalating from there.)
Try it for yourself! Search your name. If your personal history comes up, you need to delete it by opting out.
I searched my name and it came back with not only my CURRENT address, but my addresses dating back to my very first apartment when I was 18!
Here's how to have your information removed:
- Visit FamilyTreeNow.com
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Privacy"
- On the next page, scroll about halfway down and look for the words "Opt Out Of Living People Records." Click the link that says "opt out here."
- Search for yourself. When your information comes up, click "view details" and then click on the red button on the next page to finish removing your personal information.
FYI - unfortunately it will take 48 hours for your information to be taken off.