Event Details
Pop-up Date:10/9/2020
Pop-up Location: PrairieCare Medical Group - Rochester, MN
Start Time:4:00 pm
End:7:00 pm
Details:Participants will be able to drop-off donations, get their shirts, beads, signs, and more. No program or walk. Social distancing enforced, and masks required when interacting with volunteers.
Walk Date:10/10/2020
Walk Location:Wherever you are! Your neighborhood, a park, or your backyard!
Walk Program Begins: Online program at 10:00 am on Facebook
For more information, please contact:
Contact Name: Lindsey Hemker & Cassandra Linkenmeyer
Contact Phone: 507-272-6908
Contact Email: lindsey.hemker@afspmn.org
Registration is free and open to the public. Donations are accepted until December 31st.
Get Registered
Having trouble registering? Click here to view a step-by-step guide. Refer to page 1 if you’re registering yourself or page 5 if you’re registering someone else through your own account. Be sure to also check out some of the Frequently Asked Questions on page 10.
If you’ve already registered and would like to either create a new team or join an existing one, log into your AFSP account and click on the “change team membership” option on the right hand side of your dashboard tab (on mobile you’ll need to click “dashboard” first).
Why Register?
Our community has always been the heart of the Out of the Darkness Walks. Your safety and well-being will always be our top priority, and we are closely monitoring CDC and local guidelines as we map out our options for bringing you an experience of hope and healing this fall.
Though there are many unknowns, there are a few things we know for sure:
- You belong to a strong community united in an effort to fight suicide while showing up for yourself, recognizing and honoring those you love, raising awareness, educating communities, supporting one another, and sharing hope.
- We remain dedicated to providing you with opportunities to connect, heal, share stories, create impact, and show you that you are not alone.
- Mental Health and suicide prevention are more important than ever, and we’re confident that with your help we can reach more people than ever before.
We realize that nothing can substitute the experience of coming together in person, and we will continue to seek ways in which we can do that safely, if possible. We welcome your ideas for gathering online and/or in-person this fall. Please contact your local chapter for more information. In the meantime, we look forward to connecting in new ways, and we invite you to join us on this journey.
Help Spread the Word!
Please help promote the event through your social media outlets!#OutoftheDarkness
Follow us on Facebook! Post to your Facebook page and add the direct link to your fundraising page.
Follow us on Twitter! If you are on Twitter, Tweet about the event. Don’t forget to add #outofthedarkness to your tweets!
Follow us on Instagram! Share and tag your photos with #outofthedarkness! Spread the word and ask for support by sharing the videos and social shares in the participant hub.
There are many more social media outlets, please use any and all to help promote the event. Tell your story!
Raise $150 by 10/10/2020 and receive an official Out of the Darkness T-shirt!
Activities of Hope and Healing
Honor Beads
Losing someone to suicide or struggling with a mental illness can feel like no one understands what you are going through. Unlike other illnesses, it is difficult to look at someone and know their connection. There is an honor bead for everyone, whether you have lost a loved one, struggle personally, support a friend and/or family member, or all of the above. Learn more by watching our honor bead video.
The Out of the Darkness Experience is a journey of remembrance, hope, and support. It unites our communities and provides an opportunity to acknowledge the ways in which suicide and mental illness have affected our lives and the lives of those we love and care about.
If you're looking for resources, please visit www.afsp.org/resources.
Information provided by https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=7071